Why I Love Living In L.A.

Hi guys, I'm writing to you from Las Vegas at the moment! I'm currently on vacation with my Bae, celebrating our 2 Year Anniversary <3 I'm sitting in our Airbnb and sneaking some work in while he sleeps in ;)

In the past couple of weeks I spent some time exploring Los Angeles, the city I live in, and went to a few antique/interior stores. I found a couple of these gems from my favorite designers I follow who are local to LA as well; they have so much wisdom! I wanted to share my favorites with you guys because I loved them so much!

This place is just a local coffee shop, located in Highland Park, but I loved the design and the simplicity of its design. With out doing much, they created a space that instantly made you want to stay and explore their coffee menu. If you're ever in the area, visit Kindness & Mischief Coffee. (Their coldbrew is UH-mazing)

This next place is a very special place called Stay, located in Culver City. They offer a retail experience that I haven't ever come across before. Their environment is designed so that you can hang out, take pictures with your friends, and even engage in an awesome postage note wall where you can leave any imprint you'd like to.

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This place is my favorite. Sunbeam Vintage, in Highland Park, was so literally so much fun to shop at! I found it through Emily Henderson, who shops here often for her unique and vintage finds. They have the most beautiful array of mid-century furniture and some of the nicest staff.

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I Love Lamp!

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I love living in a city that is so dense with creative types, resources, and inspiration. It's all over Los Angeles! It's especially dense if you go into a "hipster" town such as Silver Lake or Highland Park; which are pockets in Los Angeles that are full of LA culture and trendy restaurants, coffee shops, organic and all natural markets, breweries, and more. But my favorite parts of LA are the ones that carry hidden jewels, like Sunbeam Vintage. Places like these make pulling options for designers so much fun! As a designer, it's important to explore the resources you have available around you and to voyage out in search of inspiration. That's very easy to do in LA!

I hope you guys enjoyed while I bragged about my city! And I hope that some of you are local so you can shop at these amazing places. 

I've got some exciting things coming up, so stay tuned :)

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